
This is where a short description would go. Or should go, or maybe even does go, depending on your perception of time-flow.

Say hello to some of our team!


Chief Operating Officer


VP of Sales


Chief Technical Officer


Human Resources

Check out OtherCatt's
Odin portfolio

Rock paper scissors icon

Rock Paper Scissors

...but with weapons. Now featuring a UI!
sketchbox background


Have a blast coloring pixels
calculator icon


A simple JS calculator
Pokemon photo

Codepen.io Projects

Design and style examples
StarChild coffee logo

Starchild Coffee

For practicing landing page layouts
Chef knife icon

Recipies Page

Because everyone learns about <ul> some time
This is the new and improved landing page for OtherCatt's portfolio, originally created for a tutorial on The Odin Project! After our team completed 99% of the previous HTML/CSS curriculum, we took a short break while working on the final assignment. That was when the notification came that the entire curriculum was being replaced! And so, within inches of the finish line, it's time to scrap everything and restart all of our projects. But as they say - practice makes better!


You can find me lounging other places around the web

Gitub: OtherCatt

Gmail: OtherCatt

Twitter: @HeyOtherCatt